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Totally immersed in what we do. We live and breathe family law
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Child maintenance payments are regular financial contributions made towards a child’s day-to-day living costs. The ‘paying parent’ makes a regular...
The Form D81 is a form used within family law proceedings in England and Wales. The form is also known...
The divorce process in England & Wales has recently gone through a radical transformation. The introduction of the no-fault divorce...

Katie Skinner

February 19, 2024

Blog Divorce Finance

When a court order is made by the court, it is legally binding upon both parties to the order. Both...
The Child Maintenance Service (the “CMS”) calculates child maintenance in accordance with a formula and set criteria.  Most of the...
When it comes to resolving a dispute between you and your former partner (married or not) whether it is to...
Mediation is a process to assist couples in reaching their own decisions about the best way forward. Mediators are impartial...
The intricate and distinctive nature of pensions in financial remedy proceedings can be challenging to navigate. This blog will consider...
When a couple decides to divorce, it can be challenging for them to consider every issue relating to the family...