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Totally immersed in what we do. We live and breathe family law
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Che Meakins

Comme il a été expliqué dans la quatrième étape du « Tour de droit de famille », un divorce ou...
Che Meakins

Che Meakins

July 14, 2021

Blog Finance

As explained by stage 4 of our ‘tour de family law’, an English divorce or dissolution of Civil Partnership will...
Ordonnances alimentaires quand le parent non résident habite en France Si vous avez divorcé ou séparé en France, il est...
Child maintenance where the non-resident parent lives in France If you have divorced or separated in France, it is likely...
Si vous êtes un ressortissant français vivant en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles (ci-après appelé Angleterre pour la simplicité)...
If you are a French national living in England & Wales (referred to as England for simplicity) and considering a...
Che Meakins

Che Meakins

November 6, 2020

Blog Grandparents

What rights do grandparents actually have? Grandparents are not afforded any special rights or status under the Children Act 1989...
Des clients français me demandent régulièrement si leur contrat de mariage sera respecté s’ils divorcent en Angleterre. On me demande...
Che Meakins

Che Meakins

October 29, 2020

Anglo French Blog

I am regularly asked by French clients whether their marriage contract (contrat de mariage) will be upheld if they divorce...