Totally immersed in what we do. We live and breathe family law
Totally immersed in what we do. We live and breathe family law

Julian Bremner

Julian Bremner

March 11, 2015

Blog Finance

One of the points I am always very keen to stress when meeting people for initial advice is that they...
Shortly after the Civil Partnership Act came into force and homosexual couples were able to celebrate their union by forming...

Julian Bremner

February 21, 2014

Blog Finance

The divorce process has long finalised.  The negotiations, either outside or inside Court have finalised and, whether by agreement or...

Julian Bremner

September 18, 2013

Blog Finance

One of the recent trends from the senior Courts in this jurisdiction has been to curtail and/or remove the (arguably somewhat legally unorthodox) practices that have developed over time in family law in order to deal with a variety of different problems which regularly occur in family proceedings - including that of financial disclosure. In particular, the cases of Imerman and Prest, made it plain that the family courts need to play by the ‘same rules’ as their civil counterparts.

Julian Bremner

September 10, 2013

Blog Finance

At the start of the year, the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal against the variation of an order made by consent and held that it was an order for payment of a lump sum in instalments which could be varied.