Totally immersed in what we do. We live and breathe family law
Totally immersed in what we do. We live and breathe family law

Julian Bremner

Julian Bremner

April 3, 2018


Multi-award winning family law firm, Rayden Solicitors, has opened a new office on Penn Road in the centre of Beaconsfield...
It’s not the case that mediation is better than arbitration or arbitration is better than mediation. They are polar opposites...
Arbitration is more effective than mediation where parties have tried mediation but been unable to resolve the issues between them,...
Once you’ve selected your arbitrator (which needs to be a joint decision),  what is most likely to happen is that...
Arbitration and mediation are, in effect, the polar opposites of each other in the dispute resolution process. Mediation is where...
Where family arbitration comes into its own is where the parties have got to the point where they can no...

Julian Bremner

August 2, 2017

Blog Children

One of the issues that most concerns parents and very much concerns solicitors like me, is the impact that proceedings...

Julian Bremner

February 14, 2017

Blog Divorce

The BBC news website is currently running a story about Rupinda Randhawa. She was in the midst of a legal...