Stuart Clark

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Stuart is very strategic and thoughtful, a determined litigator, who is technically very able. His correspondence is exemplary and highly effective. Good on Tolata as well as international cases.

Legal 500

Stuart Clark advises on all aspects of family law, and specialises in financial aspects of relationships breakdown, ranging from divorce and civil partnership dissolution , jurisdiction and forum disputes, Schedule 1, TOLATA and the international enforcement of financial orders. Stuart also provides advice in relation to child arrangements , pre and post nuptial agreements and cohabitation agreements.

Stuart has over 17 years of experience as a family lawyer at a city firm and a boutique international family law firm. His caseload combines domestic financial and child arrangements work with specialisms in the international aspects of divorce and cross-border finances.

Stuart robustly seeks to focus the minds of his clients and the other party toward agreement and settlement. He appreciates the value of a settlement-focused approach to financial and child arrangement disputes and strongly encourages his clients to pursue alternative avenues to litigation so as to achieve their objectives. That said, he is equally adept at the technicalities and rigour of litigation should it be warranted.

Stuart works with medium to high value cases and is also adept at dealing with modest cases with a domestic or international complexity and a need to adopt a technical and nuanced approach.

Stuart contributed extensively to the HMCTS digitalisation project. Stuart also contributes extensively to family law media, including Lexis Nexis Family Law and Family Law Week, and to non-legal publications.

Stuart is a volunteer member of Citizens Advice Waltham Forest and has provided pro bono family law advice in his spare time. Stuart was runner-up in the International Academy of Family Lawyers European Chapter Young Lawyer Awards 2015.

Stuart is a member of Resolution and IR Global.

Stuart is based in the Epping office.

Email Stuart.

Stuart is supported by Katy Harper. Email Katy.

Thank you so much for all that you have done to support me and for your patience and commitment to get to where we have. I found you to be not only knowledgeable and astute but client-focused and honest and I would recommend you to any of my acquaintances.

Client of Stuart

Thank you for all your help. Your calm guidance and expertise was very much appreciated particularly during the mediation process.

Client of Stuart

Thank you to you and Danielle. Your diligence, support and attention to detail have been brilliant.

Client of Stuart

Thank you again for everything. I really can’t see how I’d have got to anything like a fair outcome without you.

Client of Stuart

Stuart is very strategic and thoughtful, a determined litigator, who is technically very able. His correspondence is exemplary and highly effective. Good on Tolata as well as international cases.

Legal 500

Taking this opportunity of again thanking you for the excellent service and professionalism extended to me during this somewhat difficult case and I will not hesitate to recommend you to any potential future client.

Reported cases:

  • Mittal v Mittal [2013] EWCA Civ 1255 Court of Appeal decided that the grant by the English Court of discretionary stays of divorce proceedings in non-EU forum disputes was permissible under the Brussels II Regulation, dis-applying the Owusu precedent set in Brussels I litigation
  • Tan v Choy [2014] EWCA Civ 251 Added a further limb to the Marinos/Munro debate regarding the interpretation of indent 5 of Article 3(1)(a) of the Brussels II Regulation in relation to divorce jurisdiction
  • H v H (Maintenance Pending Suit) [2015] EWHC B30 (Fam) and MH v MH ECLI:EU:C:2016:542, C173/16. Anglo-Irish jurisdiction litigation which led to a CJEU declaration on the meaning of “lodged” for the purposes of Article 16 of Brussels II

Author articles

Stuart Clark

April 24, 2024

Blog Divorce

Receiving a divorce application can be daunting. In this guide, we explain some of the things to think about before…
I recently presented to a conference of Australian Family Lawyers my “Letters from London – what Australian Family Lawyers need…